We take on responsibility for people and the environment
Adherence to environmental standards for the improvement of environmental compatibility throughout our entire product life cycle (manufacturing, sales/distribution, usage and disposal) is an integrated part of the development process at HAERTOL. The most important goals in production are the reduction of energy and water consumption as well as the reduction of the volume of wastewater. We are continuously minimizing waste and substituting hazardous substances with ones which are less hazardous. Air quality control is ensured in our processes; our emissions into the atmosphere are very slight. We also expect effective environmental protection on the part of our suppliers and give preference to suppliers that have an ISO 14001 certificate. It is our aim to continuously improve environmental protection as well as operational safety.

The world’s first CO2-neutral coolant.
We support the efforts of the automotive industry to reduce CO2 emissions. We contribute to this by developing sustainable engine coolants. We are therefore pleased about our collaboration with the biorefinery UPM Biochemicals in Leuna. On the basis of the renewable raw materials from UPM, it is consequently possible for us to offer the world’s first CO2-neutral engine / battery coolants, which are not subject to mass balancing. We anticipate that it will be possible to drastically decrease CO2 emissions through the use of bMEGs.
Supporting, challenging and protecting staff.
Our staff are the key to our success. We have therefore developed a Code of ethics and conduct together with them, which defines guidelines on wages and social benefits, working hours, occupational safety and health protection as well as the freedom of association and collective bargaining, etc. We provide a working environment that protects our staff against health hazards and promotes their further professional development by continuously striving for the best possible training and further education, skills, technical qualifications and expert knowledge.

Supporting, challenging and protecting staff.
Our staff are the key to our success. We have therefore developed a Code of ethics and conduct together with them, which defines guidelines on wages and social benefits, working hours, occupational safety and health protection as well as the freedom of association and collective bargaining, etc. We provide a working environment that protects our staff against health hazards and promotes their further professional development by continuously striving for the best possible training and further education, skills, technical qualifications and expert knowledge.